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Addressing Climate Change

Updated: Jun 30, 2020

It's time to implement the changed needed to adapt to our changing climate and protect future generations

We’re an island state. Climate Change is the most important issue. Global warming is already happening. More hurricanes, drought followed by sudden storms and rising sea levels are all going to change Hawaii in ways that will impact and change the quality of life for all our residents.

Government should implement the Hawai‘i Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Commission recommendations. All County planning, especially in coastal areas, should incorporate climate change considerations. The State and Counties should also lead by example in moving key public infrastructure (roadways, water and wastewater reclamation facilities and utility plants) mauka of vulnerable coastal areas for managed retreat.

Using carbon tax and/or green tax revenues, Hawaii could implement WPA-like initiatives for island residents displaced from their pre-pandemic jobs for various public works projects (including addressing the backlog of repair and maintenance of existing university, public school and other office facilities and buildings), and reforesting as mitigation for the state’s carbon footprint.

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